Meet Our Founders @ KEY, Italy between March 5th and 7th
Our mission We are making our planet green again, so our children have a safe and habitable world to live in. We do this by supporting project developers and business owners active in the sustainability space to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Focus: We are a digital platform, backed up by a team of experienced deal advisors, focused primarily on serving the financing needs of project developers and businesses active in renewable energy, hydrogen, energy storage and waste-to-energy projects.

Base and reach: We are based in Dubai but with sector-expert resources and capabilities spread globally.

Geographies: We are industry-specific but geographically agnostic. We are geared to add value in most of the stable and safe markets supporting the energy transition. However, our main focus is – the US, Canada, Europe, Balkans, Baltics, select South American countries, South-East Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Investors in our Network: We work closely with over 700 professional investors consisting of international private equity funds like Black Rock, EIG Global Energy Partners and ISquared Capital; institutional investors like ADIA, CIP and Allianz; International IPPS like Enel, Masdar and Acciona and Debt Providers like UBS, IFC and ADB

Why should you choose us over other alternatives: We are a new-generation platform that combines network, digital, and human to create optimal, fast, and efficient results for green investors and developers.

We maximise our reach and influence by leveraging our relationships with Government Investment Promotion Agencies, Ministries of Investment and Trade, Embassies and Chambers of Commerce in the markets we operate in.

For further information please contact us